vcheck global, erwin rodriguez, due diligence investigations

Our mission at Vcheck Global is a significant one: to protect our clients by providing more information about the companies and people that they do business with. In the spirit of that mission, we have started an Employee Spotlight series, to feature more information about the ambitious, charming, and diligent team working to make Vcheck Global a success. 

Today we’re featuring VP of Employment, Erwin Rodriguez. Erwin serves Vcheck Global by leading the pre-employment investigative team. In this interview, Erwin discusses how he developed his passion for the investigative field, his leadership style, and some valuable career lessons anyone can employ.

How long have you worked for Vcheck?

I started working with Vcheck Global in August of 2016.

What is your role at the company?

I am VP of Employment, however I started out as a due diligence investigator. Currently, I manage the Employment team. The Employment team handles the majority of background checks or requests we receive for employment purposes. All of those requests come through me to prioritize for the team.

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Los Angeles. Culturally, I am Mexican and Guatemalan.

Before working at Vcheck Global, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I would say Vcheck Global is the most interesting job I’ve ever had. Before I came to Vcheck Global, I was working for a competitor doing pre-employment screenings as a research analyst. When I chose this career path it was more out of necessity. I studied construction management at California State University, Northridge and graduated at a time when construction management jobs were on the decline. A good friend of mine got a job with the aforementioned competitor, and he helped recruit me. Though I didn’t know anything about the industry, I soon discovered that I really liked the investigative field and developed a passion for it. I found similarities between construction management and investigative work, such as maintaining a schedule for every project with tight deadlines. 

How did you end up coming to work for Vcheck Global?

At the beginning of 2016, I took a gamble and tried to get back into the construction industry after working in investigations. Construction seemed to be on the rise, so I resigned from my former employer and tried to get a construction management job. However, my experience in the industry after graduation was minimal and I didn’t have the requisites that construction management firms were seeking. Being that I developed skills in the investigative field, I realized this was my true career path. I found a job posting from Vcheck Global, and the rest is history.

How has Vcheck Global changed since you’ve joined?

The difference between Vcheck Global from when I started to today is like night to day. Having been ranked no. 634 among the top 5000 firms in the U.S., we are continually growing and improving as a business. The size of the firm when I started was under 20 employees, and now pushing 80 to serve the increasing volume of client requests. We are constantly working, even through what we once considered our slower season.

What has been your most memorable moment at Vcheck Global?

I will always remember the feeling of being promoted to this position of VP of Employment and getting the opportunity to lead a team. It’s a great honor to have upper management and my colleagues recognize me as a great asset to the company. They gave me a chance to take on this leadership role even though it’s new to me. So far I haven’t let anyone down, and I continue to strive to be the best team member—not only to my team, but to the rest of the company.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I am able to hear my team’s concerns or questions and be a voice for them with upper management. I receive questions, concerns, ideas of improvement, and other feedback from members of my team and other employees. They know that they can come to me and use my platform as a team lead and VP to push their message forward. I believe this is valuable to our company culture.

What do you find most challenging about your role at Vcheck Global?

The most challenging part about my role is managing a team. Coming from strictly doing reports on my end, now I see the behind-the-scenes items such as administrative duties that need to be taken care of as being a team lead. So far I think I’m doing a great job with that. I never back down from a challenge. 

What advice would you give to recent, new hires?

The best advice I could give to a new hire is to always work hard and ask questions. People may think that hard work goes unnoticed, but it’s the complete opposite. Our company does notice when you work hard. People at times can be afraid of asking questions. I believe no question is deemable as “dumb,” rather a starting point to conversations that at the end may lead to improvements as a company continues to grow. 

What are three career lessons you have learned thus far?

Do not be afraid to ask questions. Hard work will get you far in life. Enjoy the work you do. When work doesn’t become actual work, when you’re passionate about what you do, you will go far.

Do you have a motto or personal mantra?

The Mamba Mentality. When you put in the time, you will achieve greatness. Having that mentality is what has led me to where I am today.

What did you want to be when growing up?

When I was younger, I wanted to be an architect. In my mind and like in many, you have an idea of what career path you choose. I think now, where I am today, I’m glad my career path shifted and guided me into the investigative field.

What does a typical day look like for you?

In this new position, it’s a 24/7 role. I always want to be available to address client communications, team questions, overall be here for whatever may be needed of me. I come into the office with one goal, making each day better than the last. I handle administrative duties of team lead, help my team with reviewing reports and conducting investigations, and assist my fellow colleagues with any questions they may have. I’m always available for our clients and for our team.