julie peck, vcheck global
A message from our newly appointed Chief Executive Officer, Julie Peck.

For those of you whom I have not yet had the pleasure to meet, I wanted to introduce myself. As interim, and now permanent CEO of Vcheck Global, I have spent the past three months getting to know many of you, and working closely with our incredibly talented team.

Together, we have navigated a complex set of challenges by finding creative ways to stay connected to our clients, understanding and responding to how your needs may be changing in light of shifting market conditions, and encouraging a new level of innovation, teamwork, and creativity to emerge from these challenging times as an even stronger partner for you.

I am honored by the trust placed in me by Vcheck Global’s founders and Board of Directors, who have pioneered many innovative, market-disrupting businesses over the past two decades.

I’d like to give you a view into what we at Vcheck Global have been doing to ensure we continue to deliver for you with superior quality, responsiveness, creativity, and partnership. During the early impact of COVID-19 this spring, we recognized the critical importance of embracing and retaining our highly talented, experienced team of investigators.

Because we had already put in place a technology, policy, and security infrastructure to support remote work under a variety of business interruption scenarios, the Vcheck Global team was able to seamlessly transition to highly productive remote work as our various office geographies implemented stay-at-home directives. I am proud of our teams and managers as we’ve seen productivity actually increase during this time.

We used the time with slower work volumes to cross-train our teams and expand their breadth of experience, particularly with international work as it continues to increase in importance for our client base.

We have continued to recruit additional investigators with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and language capabilities to support the growing demand for deeper, and more global due diligence. In parallel to adapting our working model to help our clients successfully navigate a difficult situation, we have not skipped a beat in innovating new ways to serve you.

In July, we launched a new Diligence Refresh Program. This program is in direct response to a growing client demand for a more perpetual view of their portfolio of subjects. Through this program we are also helping our clients respond to increasing clarity from regulators about the importance of having more than just a one-time snapshot of the risk profile of subjects they’re engaged with. Having an ongoing handle on how risks shift over the life of a relationship is becoming the standard for a healthy compliance program. We have recognized these changes in the market and are the first to launch a program like this to make it easy and affordable to meet new compliance demands.

In addition, we have continued to advance our artificial intelligence (AI) technologies behind the scenes to help our investigators improve the quality, comprehensiveness, and turnaround time of Vcheck Global reports.

Finally, we have taken a fresh look at how strategically we are approaching client relations, knowing that servicing your orders in a responsive way is only one important aspect to developing a strong and value-added partnership with you, our clients. I look forward to sharing more of the exciting changes we are making over the coming months, as I am certain that Vcheck Global’s next chapter will be its greatest yet.

-Julie Peck